Douglas Valder Duff (1901–1978) was born in Rosario de Santa Fe in the Argentine in 1901. He was the eldest son of the British Consul and his godfather was Roger Casement who later became notorious by being hung for treason in the First World War. When the family returned to England he went to school at the Convent of the Visitation in Bridport, Dorset.
He entered the famous training ship HMS Conway in 1914, then at the age of 15 in the year 1916 he joined the Merchant Navy as a cadet. He joined Thracia trading between Liverpool and the Mediterranean which was torpedoed in the Bay of Biscay in 1917. Duff was the sole survivor (an event that made him vow to dedicate his life to go if he was saved) and after recovering at the family home in Ireland he went back to sea as a midshipman and, in an encounter with German U boats, had his leg broken. In June 1918, still only 17, he was again torpedoed. Next he was sent to the Black Sea and was involved in the rescue of many fugitives from the Bolshevists.
After the war he entered the noviciate of a teaching order of monks at Deeping St James in Lincolnshire. However, after 22 months he left, as he discovered that he had no vocation for that kind of life. He then joined the Royal Irish Constabulary until it was disbanded in 1922 when he joined the Palestine Police rising to command of the police in Jerusalem. He expected to get a post in the Jamaican Police but he had contracted malaria and was not fit for that sort of tropical duty so he returned to England, setting up home in Dorset where he took up writing and journalism.
During the Second World War he served in the RNVR at first in command of Grey Mist as part of the Dover Patrol. Then he was then appointed to the Staff of Admiral Andrew Cunningham, Commander in Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet. He carried out various duties, serving as Naval Officer in charge at Derna, and then as officer in command of the Western Desert Schooner Flotilla running sailing schooners which were breaking the blockade of Tobruk. Next he was put in command of HMS Stag whose duties included netting the Suez Canal. In 1943 he was transferred home and appointed Staff Officer Operations in Falmouth and from there he went to the Irregular Warfare Department of the Admiralty stationed at Teignmouth. He was demobilised in November 1945.
His continued writing, broadcasting and television work until his death completing about 100 books in his lifetime as well as 2 autobiographies ' May the Winds Blow' and 'Bailing with a Teaspoon'. As well as his own name he has books that appear under several pseudonyms, Douglas Stanhope, Leslie Savage, Peter Wickloe and Alan Paxton. His books are written for Young Adults.
Age of Sail: Fiction
AOS Other Nautical Fiction
Modern Era: Fiction
Modern Era Naval Fiction
Sea-Serpent Island | Adam is a castaway upon a Pacific Island | |
Ocean Haul | Adam is sent to recover a sea-going tug called the Ariadne | |
The San Matteo | Adam is selected to command a replica galleon | |
Sea-Bed Treasure | Adam learns there may be a chance that his uncle is still alive | |
Black Ivory | Adam MacAdam who has been given orders by the United Nations | |
The Pale Grey Men | Adam is sent on a mission to the state of Jebel Azrakh | |
At Close Grips | Missiles are bombarding the home of Sir Roger Carnifex | |
Undersea Oiltanker | Adam is placed in charge of a large new oiltanker | |
Crusader's Gold | Adam volunteers to sail Commander Cheviot's yacht to the Mediterranean | |
The Stolen Aircraft Carrier | Adam is in command of an old aircraft carrier on its way to the breakers' yard | |
The King's Rescue | Jebelsamra, a small Arab kingdom which has just lost its king to a rebel army | |
Series: n/a | ||
Sea Whelps | Two midshipmen serve in the 1930's Royal Navy | |
A Little Ship | WWII: The story of an adapted caique under the command of a Midshipman | |
Looking for Trouble | (No information available) | |
Danger Chasers | WWII: Two young RNVR officers are detailed for service in the Aegean | |
Islands of Jeopardy | 1938: A young English naval cadet is pitched against the Japanese | |
The Lost Admiral | WWII: Admiral Heathers is responsible for the safe keeping of an ancient jewelled relic. | |
Heroes of the Sea | A book of short stories |
Modern Era Other Nautical Fiction |
Series: Berenger | ||
Year | Book | Comment |
Bill Berenger's First Case | When the second and third officers are arrested for Beresford investigates | |
Berenger to the Rescue | Berenger investigate the kidnap of the Chairman's son | |
Bill Berenger wins Command | On board the Messack Mote a murder has taken place | |
Berenger's Toughest Case | Berenger must ensure that Melplash Mote gets safely to port |
Series: n/a | ||
Year | Book | Comment |
The Treasure of the Antarctic | (No information available) | |
Peter Darington –Seaman Detective | Murder mystery on a long voyage | |
Sea Wren's Maiden Voyage | (No information available) | |
East of Suez | Samways, a ships apprentice, stumbles across a man who had been attacked | |
Ready, Aye Ready | A Sea Cadet stumbles on a dangerous mystery at sea | |
Foreign Legion Sailor | A Midshipman dismissed from the Service joins the Foreign Legion | |
Sea Pie | Stories of the Sea | |
Port of Missing Ships | Where was the ship? A problem to be solved | |
Checkmate | (No information available) | |
Pirates aboard! | The officers and crew of the Mordred are in a desperate situation |
Modern Era Other Non-Fiction |
Series: n/a | ||
Year | Book | Comment |
The Story of the Merchant Navy | Two Thousand Years of Seafaring | |
Ships of the World | Covers seamanship and ships through the ages |
as Douglas Stanhope
Written as Douglas Stanhope
AOS Other Nautical Fiction |
Series: Sea Urchin's | ||
Year | Book | Comment |
Sea Urchin's First Charter | Sea Urchin is a special vessel taking on assignments that no one else can manage | |
Sea Urchin's Second Charter | Sea Urchin is a special vessel taking on assignments that no one else can manage | |
Sea Urchin's Third Charter | Sea Urchin is a special vessel taking on assignments that no one else can manage | |
Sea Urchin's Last Charter | Sea Urchin is a special vessel taking on assignments that no one else can manage |
as Leslie Savage
Written as Leslie Savage
ME Other Nautical Fiction |
Series: n/a | ||
Year | Book | Comment |
When the Sea Boiled | (No information available) | |
Cornish Contraband | (No information available) |
as Peter Wickloe
Written as Peter Wickloe
AOS Other Nautical Fiction |
Series: n/a |
Year | Book | Comment |
Casper Clinton: China Coaster | An officer is killed and Clinton is the only person capable of navigating | |
The Yellow Ship | John Frear is a crew member of his fathers Barque Maid of Avon | |
To the Coasts of Barbary | A novel set in the 17th century | |
South Seas of Peril | (No information available) | |
Bullen of the 'Brigadier' | (No information available) |
as Alan Paxton
Written as Alan Paxton
AOS Other Nautical Fiction |
Series: n/a | ||
Year | Book | Comment |
The Long Haul | A family voyage to San Ignacio in the ketch Mantlet. |