Henry Carlisle

Henry Carlisle (1926-2011) was born in San Francisco. He joined the Navy and served as a midshipman on a destroyer in the Pacific during World War II. He then earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stanford.

He worked as a book editor for Knopf, moved to Rinehart & Company, and then joined with others to form a short-lived publishing house that specialized in the work of writers from the Western United States. He became a full-time author in 1961.

Carlisle wrote one Historic Naval Fiction novel which is a fictionalised account of the 1842 mutiny aboard the USN Brig Somers.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: n/a
The Somers Mutiny (aka Voyage to the First of December) : 1842: Based on the true story of a midshipman was hanged at sea along with two sailors

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: n/a
The Jonah Man : A fictionalised biography of Capt. George Pollard of the whaleship Essex

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