Barry Warburton

Barry Warburton was born in England, raised on a dairy farm in Upstate New York, spent three years skiing the Western United States, fell in love with the ocean and now spends as much time as he can on the water. A wishful thinker, traveler, writer, romantic, blue-eyed, crazy man he has sailed across the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico as well as the waters of Puget Sound, the Sea of Cortez and the Bahamas. He has published many articles in numerous sailing magazines plus a novel of historical fiction set in the War of 1812 and a collection of some of the best sea stories ever told in his "Sea Gypsy Journal - Classics".

AOS Privateer Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Chasseur & St Lawrence The story of the last cruise of the United States privateer brig Chasseur during the War of 1812

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