Daniel Owen Spence

Daniel Owen Spence is an Imperial and maritime historian. He is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of the Free State, Innovation Scholar with the National Research Foundation of South Africa, and a Fellow of the African Studies Centre, Leiden University. Utilising a transnational maritime approach, his research elucidates the role of colonial navalism in propagating imperial ideologies and reinforcing British power, its impact upon indigenous societies, cultures and identities, and the influence of naval development in decolonisation, post-colonial politics, Commonwealth relations and nation-building.

Age of Sail: Non-Fiction

AOS Naval Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  A History of the Royal Navy : Empire and Imperialism The largest empire in history was fundamentally a maritime one

Modern Era: Non-Fiction

Modern Era Naval Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Colonial Naval Culture and British Imperialism, 1922-67 Naval forces from fifteen colonial territories fought for the British Empire during the Second World War

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