Darlene Marshall

Darlene Marshall longs for more swashbuckling in her life. To fill that void, she writes award-winning historical romance about piracy, privateering and smuggling in 19th C. Florida. She loves having a job where driving to the beach in a convertible and drinking mojitos at the end of the day is research, though after the caving trip for The Bride and The Buccaneer she asked them to just leave the bottle. Marshall has lived in North Florida most of her life and is a graduate of the University of Florida. She worked in broadcast news for ten years before realizing she'd much rather make up stories for a living..

AOS Pirate Fiction

Series: High Seas
The Pirate's Secret Baby : The captain of the Prodigal Son has a deserved reputation but is totally at sea when it comes to "Marauding Mattie"
What the Parrot Saw : Hijacking an Englishman from a brothel is all in a day’s work for Captain Mattie St. Armand
Seires: n/a
The Bride and the Buccaneer : Burrell has to help find the fabled pirate treasure Garvey's Gold
Pirate's Price : Christine Sanders believes the best way to live comfortably is to turn pirate
Captain Sinister's Lady : Morgan Roberts must convince a luscious widow to become Captain Sinister's Lady

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: High Seas
Sea Change : David Fletcher needs a surgeon when he captures a British merchantman
Castaway Dreams : Alexander Murray is sure he can put up with the cloth-headed Miss Farnham until they reach England
Series: n/a
Smuggler's Bride : Julia Cooper has a secret that could get her killed

The author’s official web site is darlenemarshall.com

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