David McDowall Hannay (1853–1934) was an English naval historian, born in London and educated at Westminster School. He wrote on naval matters for many publications and his first book was on Admiral Robert Blake

He became a founding member of the Navy Records Society (1893) and, through his research and lectures at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, became recognised as a leading scholar/historian on naval affairs. Before World War I he used his influence as a journalist to help convince the authorities and the public on the need for an adequate Royal Navy fleet.

His known nautical works are listed below, and where reprinted in recent years links are provided (original publication date in brackets).

AOS Naval Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Admiral Blake (1886) Biography
  The Life of Captain Frederick Marryat (1889) Biography
  Rodney (1891) Biography George Brydges Rodney, Baron, 1719-1792
  A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217 - 1688 Originally in 2 volumes - volume 1 (1898), volume 2 (1907)
  Ships and Men (1910)
  Naval Courts Martial (1914)

AOS Other Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  The Sea Trader: his friends and enemies (1912)

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