Geoff Hunt

Geoff Hunt (1948- ) lives in Wimbledon, England and his studio stands on the site of Admiral Lord Nelson's home in Merton Place. He studied graphic design at Kingston and Epsom Schools of Art from 1966-70, becoming a freelance artist and designer after working two years in advertising. He served as Art Editor of the journal Warship from 1977-79, and has designed many books on marine subjects. 

He was elected to membership in the Royal Society of Marine Artists in 1989, and his work is on permanent exhibition at The Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth ... notably a series of twelve paintings depicting events in the Napoleanic wars; at the Royal Naval Submarine Museum, Gosport; and at the submarine base HMS Neptune, Faslane, Scotland.

He is currently (1996) exhibiting with the Mystic Maritime Gallery, Mystic; The Solent Gallery, Lymington and the Oliver Swann Galleries, Walton Street, London. In the past his work has been hung in several US Galleries, including the John Stobart Gallery, Boston; Hanover Square Gallery, New York and the Gallery Americana, Carmel, California.

To naval fiction fans he is best known as the cover artist of Patrick Obrian's Aubrey/Maturin series and more recently Julian Stockwin's Kydd series.

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