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Nazam Anhar has always been interested in the ancient world, especially in the history of the Phoenicians, as they came from the land of Lebanon, the country of his ancestors. He was able to pursue this interest when he studied archaeology at the University of Sydney. He also has an interest in the history of seafaring and exploration, and was able to combine these things in writing the story of Milad: The Voyage to Ophir. As a child, Nazam enjoyed reading. The authors and books he enjoyed most were Mark Twain (Tom Sawyer), Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe) and Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island).

Nazam Anhar received a BA from Sydney University, majoring in Philosophy and Archaeology. He currently works as a freelance copywriter.

AOS Pirate Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Milad: The Voyage to Ophir Milad has always dreamed of the exciting life of a sailor, but his first voyage as a ship's boy brings more than he ever imagined
  Scrimshaw Nathan is taken hostage by the infamous Captain Graham and given a terrible ultimatum


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