Richard S. Philbrick

Richard S. Philbrick was raised on Cape Cod. He lived in New Orleans for 10 years and left long before Katrina. Worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine editor, hospital public relations director and freelance writer before chucking it all and following his bliss which was to work on boats. He became a Coast Guard Licensed captain and worked for 20 years running yachts and small commercial craft including a three year stint as captain of a large sailboat on the French Riviera and sailing across the big pond in '91.

In his own small sailboat he single-handed from Fort Lauderdale to Mexico, Belize and the Rio Dulce in Guatemala and back.

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Adversity's Wake The Calamitous Fourth Voyage of Christopher Columbus

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