Sam Jefferson

Sam Jefferson, despite growing up in a particularly land locked corner of the Lake District, has an overriding passion for boats and the sea. Clipper Ships, his first book, reflects his lifelong fascination with all things nautical and a lifetime of research has made him one of the leading authorities on the clipper ship era. In addition to working as a nautical journalist and writer, Mr Jefferson has enjoyed stints working as a passenger boat skipper on the Thames, sailed everywhere from the Southern Ocean to the South China Seas delivering yachts, and taught sailing in the Caribbean and Mediterranean.

AOS Other Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Clipper Ships and the Golden Age of Sail Races and rivalries on the nineteenth century high seas
  Sea Fever The True Adventures that Inspired our Greatest Maritime Authors, from Conrad to Masefield, Melville and Hemingway
WWI The Sea Devil The Adventures of Count Felix von Luckner, the Last Raider under Sail


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