Stephen Baines

Stephen Baines was born in Yorkshire and has ancestors who were mariners of Whitby in the 18th and 19th Centuries. He studied Theology at Cambridge University and did a post-graduate year at Oxford before training as a teacher in London. After his marriage he moved to East Anglia where he has lived ever since, within easy reach of the North Sea. He taught English in a comprehensive school in Colchester before he moved to the Sixth Form College when it opened in 1987. After retiring from full-time teaching in 2006, he lectured part-time on Ancient Greek Philosophy at the University of Essex for two years.

He has written articles on a range of topics, including Anglo-Norman sculpture, problem solving, educating very able children, the sheep-breeder Jonas Webb, and medieval drinking habits; and some of his poems have appeared in print. His other interests include Geoffrey Chaucer, ornithology, gardening, genealogy, croquet, and playing the ukelele.

AOS Other Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Captain Cook's Merchant Ships Freelove, Three Brothers, Mary, Friendship, Endeavour, Adventure, Resolution and Discovery
  The Yorkshire Mary Rose The Ship General Carleton of Whitby

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