Taylor Anderson

Taylor Anderson has a Master's Degree in History and has taught that subject at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. He is a voracious consumer of literature of every description and a careful and meticulous historian. Besides his academic accomplishments, he is a gun maker and forensic ballistic archaeologist, having collaborated with numerous museums as well as the National Parks Service and the United States Army. He is a technical and dialogue consultant for movies and documentaries and has even done some acting.

He is a member of the National Historical Honor Society and the United States Field Artillery Association—from which he was awarded the Honorable Order of St. Barbara. He owns a collection of 18th and 19th century artillery pieces and fires them for movie sound, documentaries, competition, and fun. His cannons (and sometimes himself) have appeared in many films.

As a sailor, he is conversant in the capricious vagaries of the weather and the sea and as a historian, he is trained to research what he is unable to experience first-hand. He loves old music, old trucks, old guns, and old dogs—but would give everything he has to go into space.

Modern Era Naval Fiction

Series: Destroyermen
Year  Book  Comment
  Into the Storm The USS Walker emerges in an alternate world
  Crusade The Lemurians are outnumbered and even the Walker cannot turn the tide of battle
  Maelstrom The Japanese juggernaut Amagi, also trapped in the strange world, is under Grik control
  Distant Thunders A strange ship crewed by the descendants of British East Indiamen arrives
  Rising Tides Reddy incurs the enmity of the Holy Dominion, displaced colonial Spaniards
  Firestorm The Allies and the Empire of New Britain Isles stand united against attacks
  Iron Gray Sea Reddy sails off in pursuit of Hidoiame , a rogue Japanese destroyer
  Storm Surge The Alliance is on the offensive everywhere, but their enemies have a few surprises
  Deadly Shores The long-planned raid on the heart of the Grik Empire has grown more ambitious
  Straits of Hell As the war teeters on a knife-edge, a tipping point may have been reached at last
  Blood In the Water What Reddy’s crew unearths may be more than they can handle
  Devil's Due Reddy’s family and allies are held prisoner by the mad General Kurokawa
  River of Bones Reddy takes command of a different ship
  Pass of Fire USS Walker lead the greatest army the humans and their allies have ever assembled
  Winds of Wrath Reddy must still steam his battered old ship halfway around the world

The author’s official web site is taylorandersonauthor.com

© 2008-2025 David Hayes