Thomas M. Truxes

Thomas M. Truxes is Clinical Assistant Professor of Irish Studies and History at New York University. He specializes in early-modern Irish history and the history of the Atlantic World prior to 1800, especially the role played by overseas trading enterprises linking Ireland to the larger Atlantic economy and society. The impact of war on early-modern commerce and the role of Irish communities in London and pre-Revolutionary New York City are topics explored in recent work..

Prior to NYU, he taught in the History Department at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Professor Truxes earned a doctorate in modern history at Trinity College, Dublin. His thesis, under the supervision of Professor L. M. Cullen, is a comprehensive study of Irish-colonial commerce from the mid-seventeenth century through the conclusion of the American Revolution.

AOS Other Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Defying Empire: Trading with the Enemy in Colonial New York The story of New York City merchants who engaged in forbidden trade with the enemy before and during the Seven Years' War
  The Overseas Trade of British America: A Narrative History The three hundred–year history of the overseas trade of British America

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