Tim Chant

Tim Chant grew up and was educated in rural Lincolnshire before getting a history degree from university in Scotland. He lives in Edinburgh where he works for the Civil Service. When not working he writes, roleplays, wargames and very occasionally indulges in historical fencing.

Reading and story-telling have always been a big part of his life. Having grown up on a diet of classic naval and other historical adventures and with a passion for history, writing historical fiction was perhaps inevitable.

Modern Era Naval Fiction

Series: Marcus Baxter Naval Thrillers
Year  Book  Comment
1904 The Straits of Tsushima Baxter finds himself fighting alongside his new Russian comrades
  Mutiny on the Potemkin Baxter is arrested by the Tsarist secret police
1911 The War For Tripoli Baxter is approached by an Ottoman revolutionary organisation
1914 The Guns of Zanzibar Baxter has been sent to the tropical climes of Zanzibar in East Africa

 The author’s official web site is timchantauthor.com

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