Christopher Hart

William Napier is a pseudonym used by Christopher Hart, a British author born in Lancashire in 1965. He moved to Cheltenham aged seven and attended Cheltenham College leaving with 'three awful A-levels' and going on to Leicester University. In 1986 he went to Oxford Polytechnic (now Oxford Brookes University) where he studied English and Art History, and then on to Birkbeck College, London, where he obtained a PhD on W.B.Yeats. He is literary editor of the Erotic Review and freelances for the Literary Review, The Bookseller, and several English newspapers. Christopher Hart's first novel, The Harvest, won huge acclaim on publication in 1999.

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: Clash of Empires
Year  Book  Comment
1565 Clash of Empires: The Great Siege (Not nautical)
1571 Clash of Empires: The Red Sea Five hours will shape history. Countries all over western Europe have sent ships and men.

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