David Weber

David Mark Weber is an American science fiction and fantasy author. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1952. He and his wife Sharon live in Greenville, South Carolina with their children.

Previously the owner of a small advertising and public relations agency, he now writes science fiction full time. One of his series, whilst based on another planet, follows the sailing navies there.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: Safehold
Off Armageddon Reef : The android Merlin comes to Charis, a mid-sized kingdom with a talent for naval warfare.
By Schism Rent Asunder : Charis may control the world's seas, but it barely has an army worthy of the name. Now  the storm gathers.
By Heresies Distressed : Empress Sharleyan faces the the great challenge of her life unaware of all that task truly entails
A Mighty Fortress : The Church has no choice. Soon a mighty fleet will sail destroying everything in its path.
How Firm a Foundation : Charis has survived all the Church has thrown at it but how does it invade the mainland
Midst Toil and Tribulation : After centuries of stasis, the island kingdom of Charis began to defy the edicts of the Church of God Awaiting
Like a Mighty Army : The island empire of Charis has declared its independence from the Church
Hell's Foundations Quiver : Merlyn has intervened in the small Safeholdian realm of Charis, seeding it with ideas and innovations
At the Sign of Triumph : The Church has decided that it, too, must embrace the forbidden technology
Through Fiery Trials : The unholy war has come to an end

The author’s official web site is www.davidweber.net

© 2008-2025 David Hayes