S. Thomas Russell

Sean Thomas Russell was born in Toronto Ontario in 1952, and now lives on Vancouver Island. He is currently writing the Maritime adventures of Charles Hayden series.

Age of Sail: Fiction

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: Maritime Adventures of Charles Hayden
Under Enemy Colours : 1793: Lieutenant Charles Saunders Hayden finds himself caught between his superior and a crew pushed toward mutiny
A Battle Won : 1793: Cdr Charles Hayden in HMS Themis must escort a convoy to supply Hood's fleet in the Mediterranean.
A Ship of War (aka Take, Burn or Destroy) : 1794: HMS Themis has orders to destroy a French frigate sailing from Le Havre
Until the Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead : HMS Themis is sent across the Atlantic to counter the threat of the French forces in the West Indies

The author’s official web site is sthomasrussell.com

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