Samuel Whitchurch Sadler wrote a number of novels published in the late 1800's by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. His name appears in the Navy List as ‘Secretary to Marine Society'. The novels are mainly out of print and information on them is limited. Whilst it is believed those listed are HNF related this can not be guaranteed.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: n/a
Year Book Comment
  The African Cruiser A Midshipman's Adventures on the West Coast
  Slavers and Cruisers Midshipman Claude Sefton is put in command of a slaving schooner captured off the coast of Angola
  Perilous Seas and How Oriana Sailed Them A naval romance.
  The Slave Dealer of the Coanza A Naval Story
  The Good Ship Barbara A story of two brothers
  The Ship of Ice A Strange Story of the Polar Seas
  Adventures of Marshall Vavasour, Midshipman (No information available)
  The Flag Lieutenant A Story of the Slave Squadron
  The Last Cruise of the "Ariadne", and what Befell Her Passenger Maurice Trevor joins the navy and seeks his fortune across the perilous seas

AOS Pirate Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Pirates' Creek After the death of his father, a Naval Lieutenant, Harry Treverton sets off for London to seek aid from a relative


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