Victor Suthren

Victor Suthren (1942) is a Canadian writer and novelist with an interest in colonial and maritime history. He was born in Montreal and was educated at Bishop's University  and Concordia University. He joined the Civil Service and served as Director General of the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa before leaving to pursue writing. Among his works are two fiction series about Edward Mainwaring, an American colonial serving in the Royal Navy in the 18th century, and Paul Gallant, a French Canadian naval officer also serving in the 18th century. He was appointed an Honorary Captain in the Royal Canadian Navy and has been President of the international Captain Cook Society

Age of Sail: Fiction

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: Edward Mainwaring
Royal Yankee : 1739: Mainwaring, an American colonial, is a lieutenant in the Royal Navy, commanding the 6 gun schooner Athena.
Golden Galleon : 1741: Mainwaring now commands the sloop of war Diana rounding Cape Horn
Admiral of Fear : 1742: Mainwaring is serving in the Mediterranean
Captain Monsoon : 1744: Mainwaring commands the 44-gun Pallas in action against the French off Mauritius.
Series: Paul Gallant
The Black Cockade : 1745: The novel is based on the siege and capture of the French fortress of Louisburg in Nova Scotia.
A King's Ransom : 1745-6: The captain of the Echo must retrieve the golden virgin statuette.
In Perilous Seas : 1747: Paul Gallant is now captain of a frigate assigned to shepherd a convoy of merchantmen from the West Indies to France

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: n/a
Canadian Stories of the Sea : A selection of tales that capture the spirit of the Canadian past afloat.

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