A Pretty Fortune

Captain Nicholas Turnhouse – Bloody Nick – takes his new experimental Amphion-class heavy frigate out to the Mediterranean to join the command of Old Jervie, Lord St Vincent, immediately after the Battle of the Nile.

His ship is new and powerful… and sails like a pig. He must make the best of it under the command of the harshest, but possibly fairest, taskmaster in the Navy.

There are still a few rich prizes left, and any number of belligerent French and Spanish ships of war, and the Barbary Rovers are enjoying their final resurgence.

For a young captain still making his name the Mediterranean has a great deal to offer, with the ever-present possibility of losing all if he takes too great a risk.

Although he has left his beloved young wife behind, Bloody Nick is off to enjoy himself again.

  • Author: Andrew Wareham
  • Title: A Pretty Fortune
  • Series: The Call of the Sea
  • First Published by: PublishNation
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 15 December 2022

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