Courtenay's Pendant

It is 1813 and the Second American War. The Royal Navy is now having to blockade American ports such as New York and Baltimore as well as those on the European coast. A large American frigate, the USS Revere, escapes from New Haven in terrible weather and eludes patrolling Royal Navy warships. Her destination the Caribbean, there to wreak havoc among British possessions. News reaches the Admiralty and Sir Giles Courtenay is given orders to take a Squadron of frigates to the Caribbean to seek out the Revere and to destroy her. The American ship however, eludes Courtenay on a number of occasions until he finally sets a trap that even the American Captain cannot get out of...or so he thinks. In the midst of all this, Courtenay still has to contend with the French based at Martinique and Guadeloupe

  • Author: Brian Withecombe
  • Title: Courtenay's Pendant
  • Series: Giles Courtenay
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 6 December 2013

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