Finally!! The Book that Ramage Fans Have Long Awaited!
Between 1965 and 1989 the British author, Dudley Pope, wrote the 18-volume Ramage series of nautical fiction novels. With its publication Mr. Pope joined C.S. Forester, and Patrick O'Brian as one of the giants of the nautical fiction genre. While companion books have been written for the Forester and O'Brian series, no one has yet written a companion book for Ramage...
Until Now!
Tom Grundner has created an indispensable guide for the Ramage fan. Written in a light and entertaining style, he provides snapshots of the people, places and events that shaped Nicholas Ramage and his times. It's a treasure trove of information not only for the Ramage devotee, but for anyone interested in 18th and early 19th century naval warfare.
Do you know the difference between a "long nine" and a carronade; the origin of mayonnaise; or how the French press described their victory at Trafalgar? Do you know the precise location of "no where"; the amazing history of the Eddystone Light; or, how to make lobscouse? If you had a duke, an earl and a baron over for a cold one and to watch the game, do you know who gets the pretzels first?
The book that puts the capstone on the Ramage series...