Donland's Courage

Hornet is lost to him, sold! The war with the colonies is over and with its end Donland is without prospects. He, like so many others, is to be cast on the beach with half-pay. But, one of his previous exploits, the rescue of prisoners from Puerto Rico, brings him to Admiral Pigot’s attention. Donland is ordered to act as a guide to lead a rescue party to free a person important to the crown.

Donland is carried as a supernumerary aboard the frigate, Brune, commanded by snobbish Captain Sheffield. In landing the rescue party, Brune goes aground and is hammered by a shore battery. Donland, with only a handful of men is stranded on the island, pursued by pirates and is without means to escape.

Donland is without resources with only David, Honest and Simon to trust. Captain Sheffield’s final words are, “Succeed or do not return!” Only a man of great courage can in difficult circumstances rise above obstacles and opponents to achieve success. Is Donland such a man?

  • Author: Perry Comer
  • Title: Donland's Courage
  • Series: Donland
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 28 June 2019

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