This book has been released under the following alternate titles:-
Shannon’s Brigade


The Crimean War has ended at last, and Phillip Hazard finds himself in China, serving under the fiery Commodore Keppel. The British pull off a rousing victory against a Chinese junk fleet at Fatsham Creek, but later Hazard is dismayed to hear of the Great Mutiny in India. Worried that his two sisters are caught up in the brutal conflict, he joins British relief forces fighting to reach the besieged northern Indian towns of Cawnpore and Lucknow. Arriving in Cawnpore at last, Hazard faces a diabolical vengeance, and in Lucknow he must take on the blazing guns of the angry sepoys.

Guns to the Far East

Author: Vivian Stuart

Title: Guns to the Far East

Series: Phillip Hazard

First Published by: Robert Hale Ltd

Place: UK

Format: HC

Date: 1976

ISBN-10: 0709154305

ISBN-13: 9780709154303



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