1776: After ferrying General George Washington's troops across the East River and through the hell known as the Battle of Long Island, Captain Isaac Biddlecomb receives a monumental order. He is to transport to France the most powerful secret weapon in the country's arsenal -- scientist, philosopher, and spirit of the enlightenment Dr. Benjamin Franklin. With a new team of men forging through the wintry North Atlantic, and braving the cordon of the Royal Navy, Biddlecomb's seemingly simple mission is just the first volley in a grand scheme: to topple France's neutrality by gaining its vital support, and turn the colonial uprising into a full-scale world war for freedom.
Lords of the Ocean
- Details
- By: James L. Nelson

- Title: Lords of the Ocean
- Series: Revolution at Sea Saga
- First Published by: Pocket Books
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 1999
- ISBN-10: 0671034901
- ISBN-13: 9780671034900