After risking his life to liberate the people of Roc d'Or from the evil Count Vallon, Peter Raven is enjoying quieter times aboard the privateer ship Columbine. But the young midshipman has provked the wrath of none other than Napoleon Bonaparte, and soon finds himself in the midst of a deadly conspiracy. Peter and his shipmates face a dual challenge: to save the life of a dear friend's grandfather, whilst outwitting French spies and Barbary pirate on the North African seas in a tense quest to save the island of Malta from a deadly plague. But can Peter defend his heart against the beautiful and brilliant Emma Swindon?
Peter Raven and the Pirate Raid
- Details
- By: Michael Molloy
- Title: Peter Raven and the Pirate Raid
- Series: Peter Raven
- First Published by: Black Quadrat Production
- First Published Place: UK
- First Published Format: PB
- First Published Date: 1 May 2007
- ISBN-10: 1905249381
- ISBN-13: 9781905249381