By Honor Betrayed

A Romance with an HNF Background:

1748: Lieutenant Conrad Herriot and Seaman Tom Cotton have been master and servant for over a decade, and friends for almost as long. When Tom is injured during a skirmish, Conrad forgets himself and rushes to Tom's side, arousing suspicion about the true nature of their relationship.

All Tom wants is the chance to consummate their love and embark on a new life together, outside the law that condemns them. Yet he fears Conrad won't risk his career and his honor to become Tom's lover.

Conrad believes his lust for Tom will damn his soul. There's also their difference in class—a gentleman doesn't socialize with a common tar. As Conrad struggles to refute the gossip on the ship, he must decide whether to commit the crime the crew's already convicted them of, or part from Tom for good to save both their necks...

  • Author: Alex Beecroft
  • Title: By Honor Betrayed
  • First Published by: Carina Press
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 7 November 2011

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