The latest novel in Robert V.S Redick's stunning and original fantasy epic is a taut race against time that takes the Chathrand across the seas in a desperate bid to stop the sorcer Arunis unleashing the Swarm of Night ...From the mysterious River of Shadows to the Infernal Forest, to the Island Wilderness Pazel and his companions face a phatasmogoric journey through altered relaities, a nightmare journey which offers glimpses of what might have been while taking them into the terror of what is to come. Will Arunis use the cursed Nilstone to end the world? This is a rich fantasy of nightmares and unexpected beauty and is proof positie that Redick is one of the most exciting new talents in fantasy.
The River of Shadows
- Details
- By: Robert V. S. Redick
- HNF Related Books

- Title: The River of Shadows
- Series: The Chathrand Voyage
- First Published by: Victor Gollancz Limited
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 17 February 2011
- ISBN-10: 0575081821
- ISBN-13: 9780575081826