An unexpected encounter with the last survivor of Britain's most notorious dynasty prompts the ancient Matthew Quinton to look back on his first experiences of battle, conspiracy and love. As a seventeen-year-old Ensign in the last remnant of the Cavalier army, Quinton finds himself charged with a desperate mission to Oliver Cromwell's England. Unexpected enemies and allies abound as Matthew attempts to elude the Lord Protector's feared Ironsides before facing his destiny on the beaches of Dunkirk, as Europe's greatest armies fight to the death in the titanic Battle of the Dunes. Not to mention a fateful meeting with someone who will play a very special part in his life... This thrilling novella – an e-book exclusive – is both a perfect introduction to the acclaimed Quinton series, and a welcome bonus for die-hard fans.
Ensign Royal
- Details
- By: J. D. Davies
- Short Stories

- Title: Ensign Royal
- Series: The Journals of Matthew Quinton
- First Published by: Old Street Publishing
- First Published Place: UK
- First Published Format: Kindle
- First Published Date: 1 June 2014