1775: General George Washington discovers that his cache of gunpowder has dwindled to a mere nine shots per man. Desperate, he adopts the plan designed by a group of Rhode Island patriots - send a ship to Bermuda to capture British powder known to be there - as well as their recommendation for the man to lead to the mission: Captain Isaac Biddlecomb. But the plan is a trap, set by a traitor among the patriots, and one from which even Biddlecomb cannot escape.
The Maddest Idea
- Details
- By: James L. Nelson

- Title: The Maddest Idea
- Series: Revolution at Sea Saga
- First Published by: Pocket Books
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 1997
- ISBN-10: 0671519255
- ISBN-13: 9780671519254