1814: Life ashore may once again be the undoing of Captain Jack Aubrey of the Royal Navy. It is 1814; with the coming of peace and for several other reasons his future at the admiralty dim, Aubrey fears being "yellowed" - nominally promoted to the rank of admiral without a squadron to command. But no sooner has his fellow adventurer Dr. Stephen Maturin turned up with a prospective mission than Aubrey receives an urgent dispatch ordering him to Gibraltar: Napoleon has escaped from Elba.
The Yellow Admiral
- Details
- By: Patrick O’Brian

- Title: The Yellow Admiral
- Series: Jack Aubrey
- First Published by: Harper Collins
- First Published Place: UK
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 1996
- ISBN-10: 0002255618
- ISBN-13: 9780002255615