With the Biter sunk beneath the Caribbean waves, along with Captain "Slack Dickie" Kaye's corrupted dream of riches, Will Bentley is forced inexorably deeper into the brutal and rapacious world of Jamaican politics. Although he brilliantly cuts out a mysterious French brig from a secret bay, his hopes of recovering his lost honour with a triumphant return to Port Royal are blighted by the news that Deb Tomelty, his beloved "Spithead Nymph," has been held responsible for the death of a leading planter - and that William must help to hunt her to her death!
Undertakers Wind
- Details
- By: Jan Needle

- Title: Undertakers Wind
- Series: Sea Officer William Bentley
- First Published by: Broadsides Press
- First Published Format: PB
- First Published Date: 2006
- ISBN-10: 097263035X
- ISBN-13: 9780972630351