Extract: "The squadron which now quitted Spithead, and of which the Briton formed a part, was the last of four divisions, which had successively sailed from Portsmouth, to form, as was reported, the Mediterranean fleet. The first squadron, which was under Admiral Gell, h$d sailed in the preceding month, the second started soon afterwards under Ad/niral Crosby, the third departed just before us under Admiral Hotham, and Lord Hood, with the main force, now brought up the rear.
Besides the Victory, our squadron was composed of six line-of-battle ships, five or six frigates, together with sloops, fire and hospital ships. The grandeur of the scene, then so new to me, and the feelings it excited, soon effaced the last lingerings for home; and, with a heart elate, I beheld the sheen of the Isle of Wight gradually sink into the blue distance, and the boundless horizon appear, like an old friend, far away to the left. As the day drew on, the wind increased, and at about eight o'clock it had gradually veered round to S.W. by W., with thick,hazy weather, which rendered our passage down channel nothing near so pleasant, and brought on certain nameless feelings. These were also old friends, and, certes, most unpleasant ones."