William Price, brother of Fanny Price from Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park', is on his way to join the Sloop of War Thrush following the end of the events in Miss Austen's book. His adventures at sea in a time when the time when the threat from Napoleon looked to be at an end are still full of danger and action in the ongoing War of 1812 against American privateers. This book is in two novellas, 'Lieutenant Price of the Thrush' and 'William Price and the Irish Problem'. In the first of these the 'Thrush' is involved in a daring action to cut out another sloop and acquires an unexpected captive; in the second the matter of a few missing Congreve rockets threaten Parliament itself.
William Price and the 'Thrush'
- Details
- By: Sarah J. Waldock

- Title: William Price and the 'Thrush'
- Series: William Price
- First Published by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
- First Published Format: PB
- First Published Date: 25 June 2012
- ISBN-10: 1467985937
- ISBN-13: 9781467985932