With Nelson at Trafalgar

This book has been released under the following alternate titles:-
He Went With Nelson

1797: Young John Granville's father had sacrificed his life aboard Admiral Nelson's ship and now the lad's only treasure was the letter of tribute sent him by the great Admiral. He works long days as a pot boy at his cruel uncle's inn.

Like his father, John was captivated by the sea and he runs away to become a midshipman aboard HMS Vanguard. His first battle, the Battle of the Nile, introduces him to His Majesty's Navy, and subsequent rescues, friendships and battles initiate him into the wicked and wondrous ways of men. Life aboard the St. George under Captain Hardy, and aboard the Victory at the command of Nelson all contribute to John's emergence as a seasoned and competent sailor.

  • Author: C. M. Nelson
  • Title: With Nelson at Trafalgar
  • First Published by: George G Harrap & Co. Ltd
  • First Published Format: HC
  • First Published Date: 1960

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