weymouth leviathanThe inaugural Weymouth Leviathan, a Maritime Literary Festival held in Weymouth, Dorset, UK, will take place next year over two days, 12 & 13 March.

There are many speakers appearing on a wide range of nautical subjects and among them are a number of Naval Fiction authors including Antoine Vanner (on Hazard in Nautical Fiction: Facets of Fear and Courage), J. D. Davies (on Samuel Pepys and Charles II’s Navy), Julian Stockwin (on The Real Jack Tar) and Richard Woodman (on The Making of a Sea Officer in Fact and Fiction).

For those who like the non-fiction works on the subject the speakers also include David Childs (on the Mary Rose) and James Davey (on the post Trafalgar war at sea)

Further information can be found on the festival website weymouthleviathan.org.uk

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