Doctor Dogbody's Leg

I'm halfway through Doctor Dogbody's Leg and all I can say is "why has it taken so long to find this!". Beautifully written, authentic, hilarious stories that remind me of Spider Robinson's science fiction masterpiece series, Callahan's Crosstime Saloon. Both tout memorable characters, outrageous yarns that always seem to have a kernel of truth, and passages that literally make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I read them (you can rest assured that the Dogbody tales will get multiple readings).

In a nutshell, Dr. Dogbody spins ten tales of how he lost his "larboard leg", involving encounters with many actual historical figures including Catherine the Great, Ben Franklin, Lord Cochrane and others, and has his fictional audiences, along with this reader, believing each and every one of them, and clamoring for more. 

Description of: Doctor Dogbody's Leg

Author: James Norman Hall

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