Brewer's Luck

Brewer's Luck seeks to continue C. S. Forester's famous series by following the adventures of a protégé, William Brewer. Appointed first lieutenant of HMS Defiant, with orders to join Hornblower in the West Indies, Brewer soon finds himself in command and tasked to deal with the pirate menace. Several of Forester's characters, including the famous admiral himself, put in an appearance, but there are also some well written characters devised by the author himself. There also seems to be a nod to Jack Aubrey with a broadside delivered from an unseen ship in fog.

Seeking to extend the work of such a famous writer sets expectations rather high which is difficult to achieve, but Brewer's Luck has a good plot line and some interesting characters that can be developed over time.

There are some well written storm and action sequences and good sub-plots featuring Defiant's original captain and a young third lieutenant but also some minor typos which should be edited out.

An enjoyable read.

Description of: Brewer's Luck: Hornblower's Legacy

Author: James Keffer

© 2008-2025 David Hayes