Age of Sail Naval Non-Fiction Section



Famous Ships

Ships & Design


Covering over two centuries of British naval activity in the Pacific, from Caprtain Cook's first voyage to the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, the author deals with such varied subjects as explorartion, marine surveying, charting, carrying convicts to Australia, fighting wars against the Russians, Chinese, Maoris, Germans and Japanese, shipwrecks, mutiny, piracy and the creatioin of new colonies for Britain such as Australia, New Zealand and Fiji

A Mission of Honour: The Royal Navy in the Pacific 1769-1997

Author: John McLean

Title: A Mission of Honour: The Royal Navy in the Pacific 1769-1997

Series: n/a

First Published by: Winter Productions


Format: HC

Date: 1 August 2010

ISBN-10: 1872970230

ISBN-13: 9781872970233

© 2008-2025 David Hayes