Arguably the finest reference work on warships of the seventeenth century. Extensive research by the author has produced a book which combines for the first time a balanced appreciation of Restoration warship design, with a specific account of the whole battlefleet. Not only are the ships described individually and in classes but most are illustrated with reliably identified portraits - either paintings or selections from the thousands of minutely detailed drawings of the Van de Veldes, father and son. What is all the more usefull is that the book does not concentrate on English vessels alone; but provides a number of Dutch, French, Scandinavian and Spanish warships of the period
Great Ships: Battlefleet of King Charles II
- Details
- By: Frank L. Fox
- AOS Naval Non-Fiction - General

- Title: Great Ships: Battlefleet of King Charles II
- First Published by: HarperCollins
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 31 March 1980
- ISBN-10: 0851771661
- ISBN-13: 978-0851771663