Age of Sail Naval Non-Fiction Section



Famous Ships

Ships & Design


Roy and Lesley Adkins,  the husband and wife duo  who are historians and archaeologists havewritten this book which follows the war from  the Battle of the Nile and ends, nearly twenty years later, with the Battle of Waterloo. The book includes vivid accounts of everyday life for the sailor at that time, from press gangs to prostitutes and prisoners of war and also first hand accounts of the actual daring actions at sea involving both lone ships and whole fleets.

The events covered include the famous action in which the Presidential White House was actually burned to the ground and the book includes photographs and maps.

The War for All the Oceans

Author: Roy Adkins & Lesley Adkins

Title: The War For All The Oceans : From Nelson At The Nile To Napoleon At Waterloo

Series: n/a

First Published by: Little Brown


Format: HC

Date: 26 September 2006

ISBN-10: 0-316728-37-3

ISBN-13: 978-0316728379





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