Details Thomas Trotter's important contributions, as a naval surgeon and after, to the eradication of scurvy and typhus, to the study of addiction, and to improved health and safety in mines. Thomas Trotter, after studying medicine at Edinburgh, began his naval career as a surgeon's mate in 1779 and saw continuous service up to the peace of 1802, rising as a result of great abilities and the right patronage to become Physician to the Channel Fleet, and being present at the great battles of Dogger Bank in 1781 and the Glorious First of June in 1794. As Physician to the Channel Fleet, he was a major player in the conquest of scurvy and the control of typhus and smallpox in the navy. After the peace he settled in Newcastle where he produced pioneering work on alcoholism and neurosis, as a result of which he is regarded as one of the founders of the field of addiction studies. This book provides an intimate account of naval life in the great age of sail from the perspective of a surgeon, describing the impact of Enlightenment ideas and new medical techniques, and showing how improved health was a crucial factor in making possible the British fleet's great victories in this period.
Physician to the Fleet: The Life and Times of Thomas Trotter, 1760-1832
- Details
- By: Brian Vale & Griffith Edwards
- AOS Naval Non-Fiction - Biographical

- Title: Physician to the Fleet: The Life and Times of Thomas Trotter, 1760-1832
- First Published by: Boydell Press
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 20 January 2011
- ISBN-10: 1845114469
- ISBN-13: 978-1843836049