Fighting Shadows

Spring 1748. Captain Jon Swift attempts to establish a permanent base in Norfolk, Virginia to mask the organization of contraband operations in the Chesapeake Bay area. Starting a new business is a daunting task at the best of times, but for some reason new obstacles appear to block every step, making the task even more disheartening.

Increasingly frustrated, Swift pushes on, determined to succeed, but it is like punching shadows. Over time, with the aid of some unlikely allies, Swift manages to shed some light on the shadows. The illumination reveals a well-entrenched competing contraband network run by ruthless men. Swift has little choice. He must surmount the obstacles placed in his path or withdraw from the Chesapeake.

  • Author: Alec Merrill
  • Title: Fighting Shadows
  • Series: Jon Swift
  • First Published by: Lulu
  • First Published Format: PB
  • First Published Date: 27 April 2017
  • ISBN-10: 1483465225
  • ISBN-13: 978-1483465227

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