
James has retired from the sea and is living in England but his wife but when thier child dies she wants to return to Jamaica as she finds England too cold and wet. When he learns of a slave revolt in Jamaica he he is worried for Charles and Thalias safety and his wifes plantation.

He buys a fast tea clipper and recuits 50 highhlanders from the dukes estate and sails for the island.

On arrival he finds the platation is under siege but his friends are safe but Christianna's house has been ransacked and her servants killed by the slaves.

Because of the unrest in America, there are no troops available to quell the revolt and James takes it upon himself to rid the island of the menace.

  • Author: E. Van Johnson
  • Title: Lost to the Sea: Marooned
  • Series: Lost to the Sea
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 20 December 2020

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