As agents of the Crown hunt the last pirates of the Caribbean toward extinction, Captain Kate Warlowe and the treacherous crew of the Scarlet Devil search for an uncharted island where a fabled lost city supposedly yields limitless fortune. What they find is far more terrifying than a walk to the gallows. The haunted people of an ancient civilization linger in the shadows, led by a mysterious man with a forgotten destiny. Separated from her crew and fighting for her sanity in a place where nothing makes sense, the intrepid Captain Warlowe must keep her wits if she is going to survive the dangers lurking around every corner.
Scarlet Devil
- Details
- By: Matt Tomerlin
- AOS Pirate Fiction

- Title: Scarlet Devil
- Series: The Bloody Pirate Saga
- First Published Format: Kindle
- First Published Date: 7 July 2017