The Gulf at the end of the eighties is a powder keg. The war between Iran and Iraq may be over but tension in the whole region is high. Having been forced reluctantly to the negotiating table, Iran is still looking for a devastating counterstroke. Into this cauldron, the frigate HMS Prometheus is tasked to maintain the safety of British interests in the area as part of the Armilla patrol. Now commanded by the newly promoted Commander Jonathon Hunt with his friend Brain Pearce as his Operations officer, they are thrust into a situation that requires all their courage and ingenuity. The threat of 'Bog Hammers' – small armed speedboats that can cause chaos far in excess of their size, as well that posed by shore based missiles puts Jon and Brian in a precarious position as they try to counter an audacious attempt by an Iranian faction to bring chaos to the whole region.
Bog Hammer
- Details
- By: Larry Jeram-Croft

- Title: Bog Hammer
- Series: Jon Hunt
- First Published by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
- First Published Format: PB
- First Published Date: 2 April 2014
- ISBN-10: 1496085736
- ISBN-13: 9781496085733