After receiving the Medal of Honor in the Gulf War, Commander Daniel V. Lenson, USN, takes command of a Spruance-class destroyer, USS Horn. Horn will be the first US Navy warship to deploy with a mixed male/female crew . . . with all that implies for a service notoriously resistant to change. Her mission is to enforce UN sanctions in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. But a naval intelligence agent in Bahrain discovers a shadowy group that's plotting to detonate a terrifying new weapon somewhere in the Mediterranean. Horn will be there. But will her divided crew be up to taking on the most ruthless and elusive terror-bomber in al-Qaeda?
The Command
- Details
- By: David Poyer

- Title: The Command
- Series: Dan Lenson
- First Published by: St. Martin's Press
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: June 2004
- ISBN-10: 0312318367
- ISBN-13: 9780312318369