Assigned to straighten out the innovative but failure-prone combat direction system of USS Barrett, DDG-998, Lieutenant Dan Lenson is at a personal crossroads after his divorce. As he starts his voyage, Graciela Gutierrez starts hers, plotting a daring escape from Cuba in a homemade boat. Struggling to crack a computer virus, Lenson hears whispers about Captain Thomas Leighty's sexual orientation, and doubts about the executive officer's loyalty. Somewhere aboard is a ruthless and cunning spy, with a plan to lure Barrett into a frightening international confrontation.
The Passage
- Details
- By: David Poyer

- Title: The Passage
- Series: Dan Lenson
- First Published by: St. Martin's Press
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: October 1994
- ISBN-10: 0312113811
- ISBN-13: 9780312113810