Given command of His Majesty’s Submarine M39 — the most up-to-date in her class, not to mention on the List — the Admiralty expects that Lieutenant James Carew will do his duty. But despite being a first-rate vessel with the choicest scoundrels to help crew her, and a roving commission, Carew finds himself reprimanded, and his command is on the line. Angered, he resolves to find the enemy... or create one. With Petty Officer Michael Mulvaney at his side, a fiery and devious Irish giant, Carew and his dear old tin kettle launch a private war against the might of the Imperial German Navy. The consequences will be severe, but for Carew there is a point to be proved. Leading his beloved rogues, Carew faces German spies, U-boats, disguised vessels, minefields and a German flotilla, but his greatest challenge is still to come... Introducing James Carew and accompanied by other tales of the navy trade, ‘Turret and Torpedo’ is an enjoyable volume filled with swashbuckling exploits, seafaring shenanigans and the ebb and flow of life in the service. |
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Author: John S. Margerison Title: Turret and Torpedo Series: First Published by: C. Arthur Pearson Place: London Format: HC Date: 1917 ISBN-10: ISBN-13: |