Marsha Canham

Marsha Canham, born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, writes historical romances and is the recipient of multiple awards from Romantic Times.

AOS Pirate Fiction

Series: The Pirate Wolves Series
Year  Book  Comment
  Across A Moonlit Sea Simon Dante, the Pirate Wolf, joins Sir Francis Drake on a daring attack on Cadiz.
  The Iron Rose Varian St.Clare's ship is attacked by a Spanish galleon
  The Following Sea High-seas adventure, lost galleons and sunken treasure
  The Far Horizon Bella is carried south to the Pirate Wolf's tropical island stronghold.
Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
1804 The Wind and the Sea The daughter of the fiercest corsair on the Barbary coast is bound for Gibraltar, trial, and execution.
  Bound by the Heart Rescued from stormy waters Summer Cambridge faced a new threat aboard the American ship Chimera.

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